Estimated Tuition and Fees

Bachelor Degrees, Diploma, Advanced Diploma and Certificate courses
(Between 30 and 120 credit hours)

Application fee     €35.00*
Tuition per academic year    €675.00
Books (average per academic year)     €300.00
Graduation fee     €125.00**

Graduate Courses
(Between 36 and 40 credit hours)

Application Fee  €50.00*
Tuition  €1500.00
Books  €600.00
Graduation Fee (M.A., M.T.S.)  €150.00**
Graduation Fee (D.Min.)  €200.00**

Additional Fees
Change of grade    €25.00*
Transcript request     €25.00*
Thesis evaluation fee (D.Min.)   €250.00*
Thesis binding bee     €150.00*

* Non-Refundable
**Includes full cap and gown participation at a yearly and international graduation ceremony, if you wish
to attend.
Non-refundable after graduation.

Monograph & thesis binding fees
An additional fee is due before graduation. Students are required to submit one unbound, and two hard-bound copies of each monograph, thesis, or dissertation they are required to complete. 
One hard-bound copy and the unbound copy become the property of the Institute. The other hard-bound copy remains the property of the student. It will be graded and sent back to the student within 30-45 days of receipt. All copyrights remain the sole property of the student. Therefore, if HVVI wishes to publish a particular monograph, thesis, or dissertation, the Institute will request permission from the student. The final agreement concerning publication rests solely with the student.
HVVI will have the binding of the monograph, thesis, or dissertation done by a professional bookbinder. The charge for binding is $150.00 for two copies. Students who choose to have the binding done themselves must request the permission to do so in writing.
Most often, permission will be granted as long as the final product appears professional and is hardbound (plastic and spiral bindings are not accepted) and all specific guidelines (colour, lettering, etc.) are followed.
Bachelor’s monographs must be bound in black; Master’s theses in maroon (maroon Levant or maroon x-grain) or scarlet and Doctoral Projects in Blue (dark blue with gold lettering).

Online Course Service Fee
Online courses carry the same tuition rate as correspondence courses.